Ta Ta Ties

Tie symptoms are often misdiagnosed as other conditions like colic, reflux, and failure to thrive because many pediatricians and lactation consultants do not know how to properly identify them. Here are some sources to help you determine if your child might have a tie. What are the symptoms? What are treatment options? What are some things to consider if left untreated? We are not medical professionals and encourage you to find someone qualified in ties for a proper diagnosis. If in fact there is a lip tie that there is a 95% chance there’s a tongue tie in there as well.  There are different classes to lip ties. And also different types of tongue ties. There’s anterior and posterior. Anterior is the obvious frenulum reaching to the tip of the tongue. Posterior is a lot trickier to diagnose.
A Step By Step Guide to Checking for Tongue/ Lip Ties
Tie Anatomy
Dr. Jack Newman
Ties and Breastfeeding
Long Term Impact of Ties

If your baby has a lip or tongue tie and you decide to have it revised, it’s important to know your info when you go on a consult. Who to choose? Scissors or laser? What kind of aftercare?

Tongue Tie Babies Support Group

Who do I go too for tie revision?

  • http://www.tt-lt-support-network.com/providers.html