Breast Pump Review

Spectra: Spectra offers several different pumps. The spectra S1, S2 and the S9 we will be discussing in this article. Spectra parts are expensive compared to other pumps. S9: This Pump isn’t as strong as the S2 but is still a strong hospital grade pump. It’s great for pumping on the go because it fits in […]

Calm Your Tits!

Here @ TheBIB we hate when social media censors Moms for sharing breastfeeding images or info they want spread around. We are fighting back by publishing her post and photographs here!

Essential Oils Safety

The basics of essential oils while nursing/pregnant Do not ingest oils while pregnant or nursing. Essential Oils Should Be avoided in the first trimester Always dilute your oils (For Pregnancy 6 drops essential oil per 1 oz. of carrier oil) (For Breastfeeding 12 drops essential oil per 1 oz. of carrier oil) Do not add essential […]

Low Carb Diets and Breastfeeding

1. Up Your Carbs Stick with a moderately low carb diet rather then a strict one. I recommend sticking to a goal of about 50-70 grams of carbs a day. And make those complex carbs, like sweet potatoes or veggies, and at least one serving of fruit a day. If you start to notice a dip […]

Mastitis and Clogged Ducts

Preventing clogged ducts and Mastitis What is a clogged milk duct? What is mastitis? A clogged milk duct occurs when breastmilk gets backed up in the milk ducts. The tissue surrounding the milk duct becomes swollen and inflamed, causing a blockage. Mastitis is an infection resulting from a clogged duct in the nipple of a […]

Protein Shakes Breastfeeding

Never replace a meal with these shakes, they should be used a snack while breastfeeding. This is not a comprehensive list. BCAA Naturally Occuring is okay for breastfeeding and pregnancy. Artificial BCAA is NOT Safe. Dairy or Soy Free protein powder is clearly marked. Look for a plant based protein powder to achieve dairy and […]

Probiotic Benefits for Children

February 2018 Parents Magazine highlighted gut health in children on Page 24. “Early childhood is prime time for establishing a healthy microbiome. The more good critters that move in now, the more likely they’ll crowd out or compete with bad bacteria your kid will encounter down the road.”   Benefits Irritable bowel syndrome Antibiotic associated […]

Weight Loss Suppliment Safety

According to Dr. James Abbey of InfantRisk,“…Herbal products are not regulated by the FDA and there can be significant variations in the potency and purity between different products or even between different lots of the same product. Herbs can also interact with each other and with prescription medications, so we tend to advise not taking […]

Breastfeeding/Pumping in Public

Breastfeeding in public is a basic civil right all women are entitled to. Breastfeeding in public is legal in almost every state, except Idaho. Most states have laws protecting a woman’s right to breastfeed in public. Idaho currently has no law protecting a woman’s right to breastfeed in public. Breastfeeding laws generally fall into two […]

Baby Sign Language

“Baby sign language is the use of manual signing, allowing infants to communicate emotions, desires, and objects prior to spoken language development. With guidance and encouragement signing develops from a natural stage in infant development known as gesture.” Infant sign language has many benefits. It allows preverbal babies to communicate their wants and needs effectively […]