Calm Your Tits!


Calm Your Tits!

Here @ TheBIB we hate when social media censors Moms for sharing breastfeeding images or info they want spread around. We are fighting back by publishing her post and photographs here!

Let's start with this one:

I’ve done it! As promised. 
My boob, my MILK.
This right here is my personal response to two particular comments that I’ve heard one to many times. 

Let's start with this one:

If you want to breastfeed you should do it privately and without showing off your breasts or making an exhibition of it.” 

So I sent these pictures to those people. And will do so every time I get similar comments said to me.

And in relation to a Facebook post where I am breastfeeding my 4 year old:

Certainly, she only nurses as a habit now, she is 4, is there even any milk left in there?”

Hmm, well let’s see, looking at these REAL pictures (taken with a cell phone by my husband) I would say YES. It really looks like milk coming out of my boob.

So YES, I am breastfeeding a 4 year old and YES, I still have milk. 

What these pictures represent to ME and WHY I did them:

Yes, it was to show off! To show off A woman’s body doing something powerful and beautiful!

Some will only see a nipple here no doubt. Report it as nudity and have the pic banned. 
I expect that.
Please tell me what issues you have so I can help you solve them.
What are the reasons that can explain the aversion to the sight of a woman’s breast, producing milk for her human children?
How can this be considered indecent?

Our current culture is no longer able to distinguish an unequivocal maternal gesture of care versus that of showing the breasts for the purpose of seduction.

In other words, the female breast seems to have lost it’s maternal function in the eyes of many, both men and women, and having maintained only the sexual one.

Consequently, its public exposure is censored as inappropriate, with these impulsive reactions of automatic refusal.
We Westerners, so progressed and civilized, are so used to looking at the female breasts in exclusively sexual terms that we can no longer see it in any other way, in its obvious function of nourishment for a child.

To label this kind of pic as NUDITY is an act of mortification towards a woman, who is seen limited to her sexual role.

Normalizing this, does not only mean encouraging a baby-care act, it also means, more generally, remembering that women do not exhaust their identity in their sexuality:
They CAN also be mothers, and much, MUCH MORE

It means remembering that boobs can be sexual but not always, and for sure not ALL OF THE TIME.
Certainly NOT when they are fulfilling their original purpose.

These pictures were inspired by an AMAZING photograph, the real deal might I add, recently banned from a few Facebook pages. By the photographer Leo Carvajal. You can check out his work by clicking this link. His content is mature and might shock some pearl clutchers. 
